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01 cW_K I <`L w. 2 _ u } S M*ñ. The classical albedo features of Mars are the light and dark features that can be seen on the planet Mars through an Earthbased telescope Before the age of space probes, several astronomers created maps of Mars on which they gave names to the features they could seeThe most popular system of nomenclature was devised by Giovanni Schiaparelli, who used names from classical.

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P7 N >0 *Misaki Endo 1, Masanori Yamanaka 2. Los primeros astrónomos telescópicos, que observaban Marte desde una gran distancia a través de instrumentos primitivos (aunque avanzados para su época), se limitaron a estudiar los contrastes del albedo en la superficie del planeta Estos parches más claros y oscuros rara vez corresponden a características topográficas y en muchos casos los oscurecen. Anor v Queen Court Freehold Company Ltd EWCA Civ 371 (13 March ) L v M (Rev 1) 19 EWHC 219 (Fam) (08 February 19) L Morgan &.

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