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E han wa oby. ## For more information, please see MoinMoinMoinDev/Translation ##masterpage. Title Alfabeto Subject Spanish Author Spanish4Teachersorg Last modified by Emilia Created Date 9/23/06 AM Document presentation format. The_History_Of_The_Decline_And_S úáS úáBOOKMOBI‹F €&¤ ÿ 55 =4 D, J¦ PV U» Zë `/ eÍ k‹ q\ w‡ ~q „± Š " =$–b&œ'(¢S*¨‹,®¦´±0ºð2Â&4È—6Ï28Õ±Ûñâ>é_@ðyB÷ DýºF ÜH yJ ÆL YN þP "ZR #RT &ŠV '²X (¦Z *þ\ æ^ ,¶` ,Êb Êd 0Jf 1úh Õ™j ùØl ñ°n Ì`p E r ®pt Žxv ¸x º z qì Í`~ S€ ËÔ‚ Óœ„ ÓȆ Óìˆ Ô Š rv( MOBIø ýé.
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A base is a solution with a larger hydroxide ion concentration than the hydrogen ion concentration Which means that H is less. Acids and Bases Numerically Not all solutions are neutral, when this happens the hydrogen ion concentration is greater than the hydroxide ion concentration and is known as an acidic solutionWhich means that H is greater than 10 x 107 M ;. I> Ý@ " B )RD 0ØF 8pH @@J HÓL PNN WÑP _¹R gaT nîV v˜X ~9Z † \ ^ ”ÿ` œUb £¤d « f ²Æh ºsj Á”l É n ÑXp Ù8r à•t èŽv ñ x ø}z ÿö 4~ W€ ƒ‚ ½„ %‡† ߈ 5mŠ.
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