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L’equip del restaurant L’Ó, liderat pel reconegut xef Ivan Margalef, amb una dilatada trajectòria nacional i internacional en el camp de la gastronomia, ofereix una gran experiència gastronòmica a través d’una cuina d’autor creativa, arrelada al territori i als productes de temporada, i inspirada en els elements de l’entorn el monestir de Sant Benet, els Horts, l’entorn. United states securities and exchange commission washington, dc 549 form 10q (mark one) ☒☒ quarterly report pursuant to section 13 or 15(d) of the securities exchange act of 1934. L ó = Í&} = â = â Ó ä ñ % ô Æ ø Í&} ° U ¥ ì d Ù X Z _ = Ó z&} 日&} ç g H H p ¹ â ¢ \ ® X&} Ë Q t þ j O < 0 Ä á H ° ý&} O 1 h H _ = Í&} Ó = ò リ ´ H y z ø Í&} = d ø § % &}&£ Æ Y û Æ Þ l ¢ ¥ ¦ q k&} À Þ =.

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Watch, follow, and discover the latest content from M E R I L Ó P E Z⚡️ (@txellmerii). Y^d & ó î î & í & v D v P u v d ï d Z µ ò W ï ì u õ W í ñ u K ó í î l ó í ï l ó í ñ U ó í ì l ó í í l ó í î ~ À } µ } } v µ v W D } D Á l> t õ ï ì. Dec 04, 19 · ^ Ç ( ï l ó (ohnwurqln ruwdpgd ³j yhqol hohnwurqln lpdoÕ´ edúyxux dqxq \dÕoÕ edúyxux lidghvlql nxoodqgÕ÷Õqgdq ©j yhqol hohnwurqln lpdª nxoodqdudn gd hohnwurqln ruwdpgd \dÕoÕoÕn úduwÕ vd÷odqdelohfhnwlu.

Title Covid Vaccine DIstribution Week 7xlsx Author JeanneMLambrew Created Date 1/21/21 AM. The team at L’Ó restaurant, led by the wellknown chef Ivan Margalef, who has years of culinary experience in Spain and abroad, offers a great gastronomic experience with creative signature cuisine rooted in local, seasonal products and inspired by the elements around him, including the monastery of Sant Benet, the market garden and the natural surroundings and landscape of Pla. Title Microsoft PowerPoint WirelessSurveypptx Author prs Created Date 2/16/21 AM.

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