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å q=0 c k,q (e ec) k(M Mc)q, (2) with coefficients c k,q depending on the choice of the base values (e c, M ) These solutions converge locally around (ec, Mc), and can be used to devise 2D spline algorithms for the numerical computation of the eccentric anomaly E for every (e, M) 23, generalizing the 1D spline methods that have been described recently 24,25 Since they do. BcceËdfgËcffi ÔÔÔ°}q»Å »Å®Ô¢ »°}®°Ê 72/(7 60$//5(7$,/81,7 6t)w 6t0 %xv\vkrsslqjorfdwlrq ljkirrwidoo 6xlwdeohiruydulrxvxvhv 673. 2112 · $å å ¢ \ & \ tÍn$ r iå $å å ¢ q 3 3 \ s 7kh wdeoh dqg fkduw ehorz rxwolqh wkh ydulrxv sdwkzd\v /7& idflolwlhv vxeplw &29,' uhodwhg gdwd wr wkh vwdwh dqg ihghudo jryhuqphqwv ,psruwdqwo\ wkh vwdwh uhtxluhv wkdw idflolwlhv uhsruw wr wkh iroorzlqj v\vwhpv zklfk duh irfxvhg rq sdwlhqw ohyho whvwlqj lqirupdwlrq /rqj whup &duh &29,' 5hsruwlqj irup urz ehorz.
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