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These are a few of many challenges our local YWCAs are facing In response to the outbreak, YWCA USA has launched the YWCA COVID19 Emergency Relief and Community Resiliency Fund to provide emergency funds and inkind support for COVID19 preparedness, response, and recovery services, and to shore up critical housing, childcare, and domestic violence programs. Title34_ M&_ M1BOOKMOBI}> @$À ,F 3f 9 @A Fí N UP \Þ dà lL sº {š ƒm ‡ ‡ ˆˆ"‰ $ŠD& ñT( d* ”, ¸ ä0 ü 2 é6 ñ8 &q C 4Î> ;Œ@ B#B IED P F W/H ^‘J f L n*N uÒP }sR T ŒðV ‘hX ‘iZ ’a\ “Á^ “Ñ` ”Åb •¥d –¡f —¹h ˜mj ˜‘l ˜µn ˜áp œ5r œ=t ¥!v Lùx M z M& Ø5 MOBI ýé¿yYN. This a hospital's website, where you can find all the information of that hospital and also you can take appointment of doctor by clicking one button A Project 3 IOT Car (WiFi Controlled) 25 March 18 This is a hardware project Which can streamed real time video over the internet.
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