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Lynn Brock is the pseudonym of Andrew Patrick McAllister (), who wrote a series of books featuring his detective Colonel Gore There is some suggestion that this, the first book, was intended to be a standalone, and a somewhat satirical look at detective fiction, but it was so well received that the author modified Gore into a series character, later making him a private detective. ABORTION‚8h3‚G‚G‚Dp‚ÿ‚7"justify">ItóeemŽ2m“0‰‰y‰ ”pcommŽˆsense —lettŒyal–achri‚@anity‘Ðou‘Hshud–À — ˜‰express‹(–â–yworŽÈ˜Ûy• Œøyënew—s‹pfi‚€Œ°,•Ic‚ª )ize‚”–hŒØšÚãrim–PT›àBost“àScalpel‚ƒ p‹»rd “abor Áism, †– be€Éž. E B ‡Ž 4 ½!.

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